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Storm8 World War Game on iPhone & iPod Touch

Defense Buildings

Storm8 World War game, Bunker,  Defense +3, available at level 1 Bunker, Defense +3
level 1
Storm8 World War game, Guard Tower,  Defense +10, available at level 5 Guard Tower, Defense +10
level 5
Storm8 World War game, Anti-Aircraft Launcher, Defense +10, available at level 10 Anti Aircraft Launcher, Defense +15
level 10
Storm8 World War game, turret, Defense +32, available at level 15 Turret, Defense +32
level 15
Storm8 World War game, Landmine Field, Defense +50, available at level 22 Landmine Field, Defense +50
level 22
Storm8 World War game, Automated Sentry Gun, Defense +75, available at level 37 Automated Sentry Gun, Defense +75
level 37
Every subsequent purchase of a building, the price of that building goes up by 10% of the original price

Defence buildings provide an extra amount of defensive points to add to your defensive units. Buildings are used in EVERY DEFENSIVE fight, but are never used when you're ATTACKING someone else

The differences between units and buildings is that units are cheaper, but have an upkeep cost and are limited in numbers

Buildings are expensive, and get a lot more expensive, but have 0 upkeep cost and are not limited in the number you can have

When buying defensive buildings, always buy the one that's giving you the most defence for your money, again JustCalcIt is your friend

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