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Storm8 World War Game on iPhone & iPod Touch

Skill Points

To access your Skills Screen, go to Your Profile Button and then to Skills Button. This is where you allocate your skills at every new level you achieve

Tab #1 Rank 1 Mastery --> 3 Skill Points
Tab #2 Rank 1 Mastery --> 5 Skill Points
Tab #3 Rank 1 Mastery --> 6 Skill Points
Tab #4 Rank 1 Mastery --> 6 Skill Points
Tab #5 Rank 1 Mastery --> 6 Skill Points
Tab #6 Rank 1 Mastery --> 6 Skill Points
Tab #7 Rank 1 Mastery --> 6 Skill Points
Tab #8 Rank 1 Mastery --> 6 Skill Points
Tab #9 Rank 1 Mastery --> 6 Skill Points

When you are awarded skill points, you can invest them in any of the following;

Attack (Higher attack, the more likely you are to win when you attack someone)

Defence (Higher defence, the more likely you are to win when you're attacked by someone)

Max Energy (Complete more missions more quickly, you need some points in here to complete some of the high end missions)

Max Health (Increases your max health, meaning you survive longer)

Max Ammo (Use 2 Skill points to increase your Ammo by 1 unit, this allows you to attack more people more quickly)

It is unknown right now, how much of a bonus each attack and defence point provides, though there are theories that each attack and defence point adds an amount of attack/defence points to your total attack/defence equal to your level.

For example, I'm level 100 and I have 10 points in attack. It will add 10x100 points to my total attack.

This means that Attack/Defence Skills are much more important than Unit/Building Attack/Defence

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